Jesus' last moments teaching His disciples before He goes to the cross He is praying to the Father. His heart is established
as to purpose and result...He asks the Father to make us all one, one in Him and one with each other. The only way unity can
be achieved is by losing oneself in the purpose and plan of the Father. We, as Christians cannot generate a kind of oneness
by agreeing on various doctrine, practice or procedure. That breeds 'denominationalism' and brings a greater seperation and
division. The wholeness in Christ can be found only in Christ and as we lose ourselves in Him we experience His unity. Is
Christ divided?...Of course not. He is the epitome of one whose will is lost in the will of another's, the Father's, and in
so doing is perfect in unity. We strive to become one with God (religion) and with others who are somewhat on the same page
as we are, sharing common interests and goals. We breed and bear fruit after our own kind in the guise of unity, yet, we are
as seperated as one can be because of the varying agendas that are functioning behind the scenes and in the heart. "You have
not learned Christ in this way". The realities of true Christianity can only be experienced by living your life, or rather
losing your live, into the one and only Christian...Christ Jesus. There is only one Christian life and that is Christ. "We
in Him" is Christianity. Everything else is counterfeit and excess weight. "Laying aside every weight...press on". Programs,
titles, buildings, ministries...although quite pleasing to the eye and ear, are not what it's about. It's about Jesus and
His agenda...yes, Jesus has an agenda and a purpose, and a planned way of accomplishing it. It is the many-membered 'Body
of Christ' functioning in the Spirit to do the Father's will in worship as one loses himself in Jesus. It is the total dependence
upon the power and provision of another in humility and lowliness of mind. It is only doing what one sees the Father doing
and saying only what one hears the Father saying. No agenda, no mighty ministry to build...only Him. The question is...is
He enough, or do we want more...our own little piece of the pie so to speak? The simplicity of Jesus is mind-boggling
to those who are looking for formulas or procedures, much as a builder looking at a set of plans or a scientist trying to
create something beneficial to society. We rely on our own understanding instead of utilizing the 'Mind of Christ'. Unity
is not something that can be achieved...it can only be experienced...and that within Jesus. Being united with Him in His death
we shall also be united with Him in His life...That is the basis of all true unity...that is the Christian life...